Bhadarva Sud Purnima

Bhadarva Sud Purnima is an important day that we should acknowledge because it was the day that Paramguru went to Kaival Dhaam. Paramguru is not an ordinary human, but he is a Param Vishesh Ansh (soul of greater importance) of Kaival Karta. When Paramguru came to Earth he was not born like an ordinary human, but instead he was pragat. This means, he materialized on Earth in a small village in Gujarat, India. In order to come to our world Paramguru took a human form so that he could spread the knowledge of Kaival Karta. Since Paramguru did not come to this world in a normal way, it stands to reason that when he left he did so in a special way as well. Paramguru came to our Earth for a very specific purpose which was to spread Kaival Gyan and once he had finished, he realized it was time for him to go back to Kaival Dhaam (the abode of Kaival Karta) to be with Kaival Karta once again.

So on Bhadarva Sud Purnima in Vikram Sanvat 1934 (1878 by Western calendar), Paramguru took his own Samadhi which means that he released his own ansh (soul) from his body. At this point Shree Narandasji Maharaj (Paramguru’s successor) did not know whether he should cremate Paramguru’s body (according to normal Hindu traditions) or do a normal samadhi and bury his body. Since a burial is what was done for most sadhus and sants, the other sadhus told Shree Narandasji Maharaj to do that for Paramguru as well. However Shree Narandasji Maharaj was still conflicted and to solve this conflict his silently prayed to Paramguru to give him guidance. A flame lit up from the right toe of Paramguru’s body by itself and instead of turning into ash, his body turned into a bed of roses. Shree Narandasji Maharaj lit a divo from the flame lit from Paramguru’s toe and that divo is now known as the Akhand Divya Jyot. This Akhand Jyot has been lit ever since and it is now kept in the Samadhi Mandir in Sarsa, India. This mandir also is where the samadhis of every other Kuveracharya who has gone to Kaival Dhaam are kept and it is where you can view all five vedas, including the Pancham Sukshma Ved. These incidents are a great reminder of how divine Paramguru is and that even though he isn’t physically with us, he will always be with us and will always be listening to our prayers.