
Help us write to our local and state politicians asking them to provide financial aid to hospitals for more medical supplies. Follow these 5 simple steps:

Step 1: Find your elected officials.

Go to: https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/change-your-address

Enter your address and find your elected officials.

Step 2: Find their email or go to their websites and find the contact us page.

Step 3: In the email or the message section of the contact us page paste the message below. (Feel free to add your own statement to this message)

Step 4: Insert your elected official’s name in the greeting and your name and city in the signature. 

Step 5: Hit submit or send! (Repeat steps 2-5 for each local or state elected official)

Dear Senator/Representative/Governor, 

Thank you for the work you have done thus far to address the COVID-19 outbreak. As your constituent, I am grateful for your timely efforts in addressing the current pandemic. However, additional action is still needed to help our healthcare professionals on the frontlines of this pandemic and the patients impacted by it. 

Each day we are seeing the number of COVID-19 cases increase and the threat posed by this virus escalate. It has impacted all of us in one way or another. I am writing to ask you to help pass legislation that protects our nation’s healthcare workforce and the patients they treat. I am concerned that shortages in personal protective equipment (PPE) such as N95 masks and medical supplies is putting our healthcare workers at risk and limiting their ability to provide proper care to patients.

Additionally, as COVID-19 continues to spread across communities, the disease burden is exceeding local capacities. In times like this, physicians should be able to travel and provide care in the areas hardest hit. As you consider solutions, current legislation, H.R. 6283, can help mobilize the healthcare workforce to treat patients in the areas of greatest need by shielding these volunteers from additional liability for services rendered in response to a disaster.

As Congress continues to work on legislation to fight COVID-19, I urge you to support the above recommendations in the next relief package. Thank you for your time.


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