
      Satsang is an association with the truth. The word Satsang is a combination of two words: Sat meaning the truth and sang which means keeping the company of. So Satsang literally means keeping company of the truth. Satsang not only includes reading or listening to spiritual teachings, but also reflecting on and discussing their meanings. Satsang also entails assimilating and implementing what is learned from our scriptures and Guru into daily life. 

     But why Satsang?

     Similar to how our bodies need exercise to prevent disease and promote health, our minds need Satsang to stay healthy and prevent negative thoughts and actions in our life. Think about our minds as a closed room that we use for storage. Everyday we are surrounded by unfiltered media, news, gossip, crime, and more. We unintentionally store all of these unwanted things in the closed room and never clean it. What happens over time is that the room will be filled with a lot of clutter. We have to take the time to clean and declutter the room so that there is space for more important things. Likewise, our minds need Satsang to get rid of all the negativity and ignorance filled within so that there is space for more positive and good things. Satsangs helps us gain knowledge and apply it in the right manner. Evolve and stay positive through Satsang.

     Satsang Committee Mission

To bring together young adults and help them enhance their spiritual growth. 

Satsang Committee Vision

With Satsang we aim for every one of our youths to be spiritually stronger, thereby forming an unbreakable bond with Paramguru and Kaival Karta.