Letter to KY

:: Paramguru Veh Namah ::

2012 – 2020…. 8 years…HOT DAM (The one that circumvents water flow, not the other one…sheesh)

We like to tell people that KY is our baby. It is some sort of spiritual love story if we think about it. We officially met in 2012 in the most INDIAN way possible. Our dads introduced us to each other and said, “Okay be friends.” All this happened during one of the busiest Chicago mandir programs in July of 2012. Between all the cultural programs hooplas and the pujas and vidhis, we found a few minutes to connect and share our spiritual interests. 

ALL WE CAN SAY is Thank YOU Paramguru for giving us these few minutes with each other. Over some puri and batakaa nu shaak, our conversation planted seeds for an organization and with that a spiritual vision began to unfold. 

A couple days later we were both back in our respective routines with one small difference. We had started texting back and forth continuing our dinner conversation from the program. We started thinking of ideas and making plans for some sort of youth camp or retreat. Where would it be? How would we do it? Who would come? So many questions were up in the air but one thing was certain…we wanted to do this. Fast forward 8 years later, 7 generous sponsors, unparalleled KY sevaks and volunteers at large, and countless youth and young adults, we have been able to organize one youth shibir every single year since 2013. Amazing.

Through the past 8 years, our KY team has continued to flourish with some of the most beautiful souls we have ever met and gotten to know. We have had the privilege of working with some amazingly talented and intelligent individuals. No matter what initiative we threw their way (and there were some pretty wild ones), everyone always gave their efforts and supported our leadership with such loyalty and dedication. We could not have brought KY to where it is today if it had not been for the blessed individuals that make up this village of a team. YOU ALL ROCK and we love each and every one of you. 

Of course, before speaking to anyone else, there was one person we had to speak to first. Without his permission, guidance, support, encouragement, knowledge and blessings we would not be able to do any of this. Our Param Pujya Guruji, Acharya Shree Avichaldasji Maharajshree. He is our Guru in the realest of ways. He allowed us to soar but also grounded us when we were going beyond our reaches. He gave us confidence and inspired us to keep going. His love and positive encouragement allowed us to lead this organization and we are forever indebted to him for everything he has done for us. 

As always, we save the most important for last. Our Paramguru. Our Guru Maharaj. He protects us and loves us in a way no one ever could. Everything we have done and have been able to do is because of His krupa (blessings). Everything we will do going forward will also be because of His krupa. Without Him, who are we? From shibir frenzies to launching social media challenges to organizing outreach events to creating local initiatives like #activelife, He has been our hub of inspiration and confidence. Paramguru, we will always be your sevaks. Always.

KY, don’t worry, your UrviBa and RadhiBa ain’t goin anywhere. We around, we always gonna be around. We will continue to serve Kaival Youth with love and gratitude in our hearts and minds in our new roles. Andddd we are super excited to serve under the tremendously deserved and dynamic leadership of Nistha Bhabhi and Krunal. We cannot wait to see what awesomeness they have in store for us. 

Always & Forever,

Urvi & Radhika 

Sat Kaival Saheb