Meet the Board

I am passionate about primary care medicine, nutrition, and public health. I think if it was up to me, I’d like to be a student my entire life. I love questioning the norm and seeking for answers outside of the box. Simply put, I love learning new things, AND old things from a new perspective. I truly believe that knowledge is power. I am humbled to be able to spread knowledge about Paramguru’s message on earth and give back to our community. Kaival Youth has taught me to do more, be more, and be a better person. I hope KY gives me the privilege of meeting you! Sat Kaival Saheb.

Urvi Patel

Urvi has her Bachelor’s degree and Master’s in Public Health and she is currently a fourth year medical student. She has been one of Kaival Youth’s co-directors since 2012.

Reach for the stars you can’t see…they are the special ones.

I am always striving to learn, whether it is a new subject in academia or a new skill in life. I love working with my hands and making my own creations. Medicine, fitness, and dance are my passions. My faith is my compass, my guide, my solace, and my strength. Sat Kaival Saheb

Radhika Patel

Radhika has her Bachelor’s degrees in Biochemistry and Gender & Women’s Studies, her Master’s in Biomedical Sciences, and is currently pursuing her doctorate degree. She has been one of Kaival Youth’s co-directors since 2012.

“The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds”- John F Kennedy.

I believe that knowledge is the only asset that we possess that stays forever with us. Paramguru has provided us with this foundation of knowledge. I am so grateful to be part of Kaival Youth who has over the years helped me strengthen my faith for Paramguru. Besides from spending time with my kids and family, I love to read, travel and also challenge myself to learn new things every day. Sat Kaival Saheb.

Nistha Patel
Satsang Chair

Nistha has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Engineering and is currently managing Accounting and Human Resources side of a company. She has been with KY since 2014.

As the saying goes, “moms are always right,” and that is true of my mother as well. She was the one who pushed me to get involved with the first Kaival Youth Shibir, and my life has changed for the better since then. During my time with Kaival Youth, I have held many different roles, but the most important role I’ve had and will always have is the role of a satsangi. Being a part of this team has helped me build strong bonds with my fellow devotees. I am passionate about working with children and young adults and I am glad to have that opportunity through this organization. When I’m not busy with school or Kaival Youth activities, I enjoy reading, traveling, and baking. 

Rupa Patel
Shibir/PR Liaison and Advisor

Rupa is currently a fourth year medical student in Charleston, SC. She attended Vanderbilt University for undergrad and got her Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience. She has been with KY since 2013.  

“Work silently. Let success be your noise”

I am from Tampa, FL and I love traveling, reading, sunshine, and outdoor activities. You can usually find me dancing around anytime of the day. I always try to push myself to have new experiences and go outside of my comfort zone. KY has given me a community of friends and mentors that I have learned a lot from and spent some of best moments with. I am excited to see this organization grow and continue to do the same for many other youth around the nation.

Puja Patel
YA/Shibir Committees Liaison and Advisor

Puja has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and is currently a fourth year dental student. She will be pursuing a General Practice Residency upon graduation. She has been with KY since 2014.

Growing up in suburbs of Chicago, I have grown up attached to Mandir. Every Sunday and every summer would be spent making memories and strengthening my faith. If there is one thing that has been constant my whole life, it would be Paramguru. I’ve always loved taking on creative challenges and KY has given me this opportunity through SKYS. As always can not wait to see you at our next Sat Kaival Youth Shibir!

Keval Amin
Shibir Committee Chair

Keval has a Bachelor’s of Science degree Architectural Studies and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Architecture with a concentration in City Design. He has been with Kaival Youth since 2014 and is currently the Shibir Committee Chair.

I see the world through a spectrum of colors and am constantly inspired by my surroundings. My hobbies include painting, reading mystery novels, riding a bicycle, and cooking. One of my passions is traveling around the world because it gives me the opportunity to meet new people, try new food, discover new places, and learn about different cultures. I am very grateful for the relationships I have formed and the people I have connected with through KY because they have impacted my life in such a positive way!

Nisha Patel Srinivasan
Public Relations Chair

Nisha has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Global Studies and a Master’s degree in International Marketing. Before stepping into the role of Editor, Nisha used to be PR chair. She currently lives in Germany with her husband. She has been with Kaival Youth since 2014.  

When I first started helping out with the main Kaival website,, I was still learning about website development. While working on the youth sites, I realized my interest in technology and decided to take it as a career. Besides working with Kaival Youth, I enjoy traveling, cooking, and eating.

Janki Patel

Janki has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Science and is currently working as Application Developer. Janki has been with KY since 2013.

Paramguru has been a part of my life from a young age and I have been going to Kaival Gyan Mandir Chicago since 2006. He has stayed by my side through difficulty and uncertainty and has always guided me to the light from darkness. I am thankful to be a part of KY and help kids find Paramguru’s guidance.

Kush Patel

Kush is currently pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering. He has been with KY since 2017.

I have been going to KGM Chicago since 2009 and have been in on the shibir committee since 2017. I am grateful to be a part of these organizations which have helped me grow spiritually, personally, and professionally. Sat Kaival Saheb!

Krunal Patel
KY/KGM Committees Liaison and Communications Coordinator

Krunal has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Bioengineering and is currently working as a Quality Tech. Krunal has been with KY since 2017. 

Ever since I have started coming to mandir my life has changed. I have had the privilege to participate in satsang and cultural programs at Kaival Gyan Mandir Chicago. This has helped me stay closer to our dharam and culture. Through Paranguru’s gyan I have learned that helping others is one of the best forms of seva one can do, which is what keeps me connected to KY.

Ipsa Patel
Outreach Coordinator/ Point Person

Ipsa Patel has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting and is currently working as an Accountant. Ipsa has been with KY since 2016.