:: Paramguru Veh Namahah ::
Kaival Youth launched its first online Satsang initiative in the Fall of 2017. The main goal was to help our Young Adults (ages 21-35) stay connected to our faith and help them build a greater understanding of our dharma. We started small with monthly online Satsang sessions on Saturdays and Sundays. We quickly saw a great response from our Youth and Young Adults and started doing two online Satsang sessions per month! Topics ranged from “Why Our Karma Matters” to “How to Stay Focused During Upasana” to “The Ripple Effects of Positive Thinking”. Soon, some of our youth and young adults started asking if these sessions could be recorded so people could go back to listen to them or share them with friends. A light bulb switched on in the minds of several of our KY committee members. “We should do a Satsang Podcast!!” Our team started putting ideas and words into action to turn this vision into a reality.
The first question was, “What should the theme of our first series be?” This was also around the time when the online Satsang sessions had transitioned to Upasana translation Satsangs. Each online session would focus on dissecting and translating one section of our Upasana and these sessions were a hit with our youth and young adults. For so long, many of our bhaktos (devotees) had been requesting Kaival Youth to help explain our Upasana in English.
“We should start our podcast with our Upasana translations.” This was a common consensus with our board and committee members.
With Paramguru’s blessings (he is truly always with us) and Guruji’s guidance (he helps us understand our dharma and connect to our faith), we started working on this project to bring Upasana Translations to our Kaival Youth community at large. Each episode will focus on one or part of one section of our Upasana. Our two main hosts for these Upasana translation episodes will be two of our KY board members and each episode will have two KY committee or board members as guests. We are super excited to bring this to life and give our community access to a deeper understanding of our Gyan (knowledge). So without further ado, KAIVAL YOUTH would like to bring you it’s first podcast, “SatsangYoSelfie”.
Sat Kaival Saheb